Thursday, September 30, 2010

Steam Paos!

This is my first attempt in making pao from scratch!

Chicken + Mushroom Steam Paos

Plain pao
(supposed to shape like a ROSE! haha... I don't know what happened!)

^_^ This is not easy... not the type of consistency I wanted from the bun. I wanted a soft fluffy one.. I got a soft chewy type one..... Hmmm... Need to further explore. Any HongKong Dim Sum Chef want to teach me? I'm a really good student!


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Variety Birthday Cupcakes in a Box!

This is the variety cupcake box I made for Molly!

This other box is the favourites box!

Happy birthday Molly! Luv ya!

Cafe Latte Cupcakes

Love these cafe latte cupcakes...

I made these for a dear friend. The other past posts you've just seen were also made for her! I'm going to have them all in a box... like a variety cupcake birthday box! Happy Birthday, Molly! ^_^

"Corn-on-cob" Cupcakes

I saw these cupcakes on the Hello! Cupcakes book....!


Sugar Bears Cupcakes

I love eating Arnott's Tiny Teddies biscuits. ^_^  So, I turned them into this cute sugar bear cupcakes!

Awww!! So cute!


Oreo Cupcakes

These oreo cupcakes were made for a friend!

La Vie en Rose Cupcakes

^_^ Made these lovely cupcakes for a dear friend!

I hope she will like it!~


D24 Durian Swiss Rolls

I loveeee these!

I made this classic swiss roll using a simple durian cream. ^_^ Pure goodness.

Enjoy!!!~~~ Are you drooling yet? =p

100% Pure D24 Durian Victoria Sandwiches

Taking Victoria Sandwiches to a new level... with DURIAN!!


Layers of durian goodness between layers of soft sponge.... Heaven!!!

Special D24 Durian Streusel Mousse Cake (with handmade chocolate)

A special friend is migrating. I made this special D24 Durian Streusel Mousse Cake (with handmade chocolate) just for him. Take care dear friend, I will miss you.

100% pure fresh D24 durian!

100% delicious.


Healthy Pumpkin & Yogurt Scrolls

Made specially for my grandma... healthy pumpkin & yogurt scrolls. ^_^

Chinese Wolfberry (枸杞; gǒuqǐ) & Milk Buns


I'm visiting my grandma in Malaysia! Baked these specially for her since she loves chinese wolfberries! She says they are good for her eyesight. ^_^

Chinese Wolfberry (枸杞; gǒuqǐ) + Milk Buns

I know she will definately love these!

Japanese Sweet Potato Tarts

Hi all,

I hope you love tarts as much as I do. I simply adore them...any type of tarts! Today, I'm experimenting a sweet potato filling recipe. Grandma loves sweet potatoes and she grows some in her garden too. I'm thinking she might like this Japanese sweet potato tarts.

I love them too! They are delicious!

Eileen ^_^